Friday, July 20, 2012


Hello Mommas-
this may be a repeat email for some of you- but I have had problems with my gmail recognizing some addresses which I cannot recieve confirmation on and want ALL of you to see this.
I will verify this all by text for you too. Most all of you New Gals got a phoe call this past week- so I hope u have whatever questions answered. I know my verteran moms know how I opperate and generally wait for a text and follow the lead! (they r good like that :)) So heres a bit about us- where we are in our lives- why we do this and whats to plan for:
I started at ECA in Elm School. Then as I entered Highschool I met my boyfrriend at 15years old. We dated all thru school and he played football and I danced on the Wings Daneline. Now some of you may not know this- which is hard for me to say- but ECA was a National Championship Team at one point- and they actuall were in a classification out of our league and still were the ones to beat! Go Eagles! But there was a time between 1997-2000/2001 that ECA NEVER LOST A FOOTBALL GAME. Now thats a record worth being proud of- and that Chapionship ring with all the bling and diamonds I got to wear on my necklace is impressive for sureno matter how old you are. Any rate- is it obvious I have great memories of this place and am totally sold out to ECA. But I never thought this would be the side of the field Id be on. After our HS Graduation-2001 my boyfriend and I became engaged/married: He's Justin "Big Mac " McIntyre- I used to be Megan Heiserman. Anyway- we got married the Christmas after graduation- that year we moved to Illinois because Justin had a full football scholarship to a Division One School in the MAC Confrence Northern Illinois University  west of Chicage(your husbands will have more knowledge about this girls) I went onto the University of Chicago School of Dentistry where I took my studies. But there we were just starting out so far from home. To keep this shorter- Justin was majored in Kinesiology where he would become a college football coach- and I was working in denatl offices and planning to be a Mother- who stayed home one day/
Then I gues with all the stress in my life- at 21 It triggered something in m where I started experiencing alot of abnormal symptoms-like shortness of breath an dizzyness and blurred vision- and I was trying to see my doctors here in town for a diagnoisis. After a time- I as diagnosed with  Heart/Nurological Condition (for all our medical Mommas) with Neurocardiogenic Syncope- aand was constantly having a rapid heartrate which man wore me out! After about 3 years in Illinois- Justin flipped a switch and decided to be backhome in Shreveport-so here-back we were. Taking medication and lifestyle changes I was doing pretty well and expected to be fine. Then in 2008- while I was driving my car( and Justin was working offshore at the time) I was getting onto I-20 right in fornt of Earnest- u know- headed downtown people- SERIOUSLY on the overpass how many feet above ground? I was talking to Mom on the cell when she heard me drop the phone- and she'll tell you the Holy Spirit told her to come find me. She and my Dad listened on the phone to all the road noise then heard the knocking of a woman who was asking if I was alright. By this point my Mom had gotten there to my crash site and was able to tell the ER what was going on. Can you believe my foot fell off the gas when I went unconcious and my car slowly drived across the lanes of traffic until it got to the railing and scrapped down the rail until it finally just stopped. Needless to say it could have been bad. After the hospital visit- we found out I had suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest- and stats show- only like some 5% of people ever regain conciousness after that. But By the grace of God I did-my cardiologist basically put me on the schedule to do surgery for a few weeks later. Now back up a minute- we were tring to hav a baby during all this time before I dropped  dead-lol. I had, two misscarriages and was starting vaious fertility treatments trying to see how to go from there- So back to the current- The Dr schedules me for surg. and says- Go home- Dont strain or lift anything- and dont come back pregnant. He says- I'm sorry- I know you want a baby- but you wont be able to have any this way-Megan. It will be too  hard on your heart.
So we wait- for that Day in November. Quietly- I didnt tell many people except close friends and family- because honestly I was scared- and I thought if I did die- I didnt want my parents to be overwhelmed with people at the hospital- So-as the weeks approached- we recieved a phonecall telling us that Justin's Mom had a friend who had a family member who was expecting a baby who needed parents. They ask-are we intrested- and OF COURSE we were- not knowing anything or having any money set aside or anything. Low and behold-yall and you can only believe this story-because your Christians because Im telling you its too awesome! Two weeks before my surgery we met with the birth family- and decided mutually that this was something we all wanted to pursue. So we got the ball rolling with attorneys and friends doing favors. I had my surgery and we didnt tell anyone- keeping my heath a secret in hopes it wouldnt make them change their minds about us- and while I was in surgery the Dr end up repairing the flaw- Then two weeks after that while at home recovering- our baby girl Sara-Grace Elizabeth was born.(Sara-because she was the one in the Bible who had a baby in Gods timing- and Grace-by the Grace of God-she was given to us.Seriously) So we were at the hospital, and althogh it wasnt the way I imagined it being-it was a beautiful answer to so many of Gods prayers. We brought our baby home from the hospital and I went to Cardiac Rehab building my strength. all the while Mom had Sara-Grace in her carrier in that waiting room day in and day When I was finally stong enough my Drs suggest I have a complete Historectomy so after 6months I went in for that. After recovering from so much-it finally seemed like things were calming down a bit.
Then after much prayer- we were dicussing school options- and I said- well I dont think there is a Elm Dance group. Finding out more I realized they were willing to have me build one-so with the baby on my hip- we statarted out in our first season of Glory Girls. Mind you-my Mom always thinks my being a dance teacher is an answer for her prayers because I was a baby who was born with a hip and knee rotation and had to wear braces on my legs-so Mom gets such happiness seeing Im able to teach dance. Which if our story just topped there- it would be AMAZING nonetheless. But it doesnt. Last season: My Mom-Judi Heiserman was complaining of chest pains.After what we knew about me: we urged her to see a dr who thought it may be angina, we were all watching closely and after a Friday football game-that following Sat morning-she sufers a cardiac arrest of her own. Now thankfully, my Dad was a witness and he and my nephew able to give CPR while she was unconcious. Unlike me-I came right back out of it, alone in my car-God restared my heart-but Moms had the defibulator. Well this changed things this time- and I remember finding all this out- and deciding then-Mom was going to die. That God couldn't save both of us. He wouldn't save us both. I had survived and now we were loosing her. Then God told me I was putting limitations on Him. That He was able to move mountians. And so my mindframe began to change. I immediatly called a Glory Girl Mom- and asked her to call the team and have all parents pray. Then and there: I let the church know I needed them to hit their knees. So by that Sunday Morning-Phillip lead that service into prayer for her.The entire congregation all together as so many others were that day-lifting Mom up in prayer. Well she survives-too. To tell her story. After Mom undergoing open heart bypass surgery for a artery in spasm. She was coming back into conciousness and that woman- still had her arm taped to a board and was waking up. I said-Momma-youve survived. Your going to be ok. She took her little arm and slowly raising it slowly spoke and in a very shallow and strained voice says-GIVE GOD THE GLORY.... and I knew she was back! So after the tables had turned-I drove my Mom to the cardiac Rehab. I had Sara-Grace in the waiting room while she was rebuilding her strength and this past off season after football was getting her strength and body back to normal. So needless to say- we shut down this last year. Im so grateful for my Mommas in prayer with me and the understanding they gave while we were dealing with this. It was truly where I was soposed  to be at the time so Id have the support Id need at that time...So in learning more about us- and why our hearts are so involved in this- The Glory Girls get to see me and Sara-Grace and Momma at all the practices helping out-and the girls get to see how it's a good thing to have a relationship with your Mom-so we are builing so many healthy relationships. I remember when I was recovering-and my Mom said:Megan-if I could take your pain from you I would. If I could do it for you I would-and its the unconditional love a Mother gives that will give u the desire to do that for Sara-Grace. When Mom was lying in the hospital God spoke to my heart telling me to tell her-that she did. She was able to make the sacrifice for me- for her daughter. Hopefully now they can learn from her condition and keep me from going through the same thing-and keep me here long and well to be the mother Sara-Grace was soposed to have all along. So I know this story is redundant to some of you- but MORE THAN HALF of you are new to the squad this year- and thats more than half who needed this LONG email to tell you where we stand in the midst of all of this. Seriously I cannot describe the blessings God has give my family-but with these blesssings comes the responsibility I believe to share the testimony. So now- u know a bit more about us-and how we feel like there has been so much to be had- but the "Best is always Yet To Come!"
CAMP DATES: will be this next THURSDAY /FRIDAY and SATUERDAY. drop off THURSDAY (1-6p) Drop off Friday 1-6, but the girls will have a "lock in" to spend the night there overnight. So you essentially will send the girls Friday and pick up Saturday at NOON. When we are schedulde to put on a preformance and "show off" what they learned. So make sure to pack overnight on Friday- and make sure to be back for the show by NOON Sat. afternnoon to head home!
** we have instructors comming from The Shreveport Met. Ballet, and a niece of mine from Misourri State who is flying down to teach and a Wings alumni and of course me-teaching the girls the basics of team spirit-and basic dance formations- basic dance moves and what they will need to work on. They will learn some dance routines too.
COST$$$: As most of you knew before school was out- we'd have Camp Cost- and believ me: Ive stretched it AS LONG as I can-but $100 is due this week. You may mail a payment-or cash/check or whatever to me directly: Make any checks payable to me:Megan McIntyre- where you can mail it to 178 Patton AVe Shreveport 71105. In normal circumstances local mail comes next day-but if you feel like you may not can make the deadline- feel free if you r on this side of town to stop and drop in my mailbox like so many of you have already done (thank you) My house is between youree dr and kings-across from the duckpond sandwiched between the pond and ACSteere. I have to order the girls Camp t-shirts-and pay our teachers and buy some things for gifts and prizes and snacks and all before our big weekend! So make sure you get your's to me ASAP. You will need to let me know- what size your daughter is-so I can order the tshirt for her. You may email or text 344-3750 or attach a memo to your payment.
YOU NEED to purchace: Black Jazz Pants(full length) and Black Jazz shoes( either the lace up or slip on ankl height will be fine) and if they need socks-make sure you include black ones please. You can send the girls Thursday in anything on top- and I will pass out shirts then. You can find these items at Shreveport Gymnastics or Academy Sports.This will carry them onto the school year.
PLAN FOR: packing water bottles or drinks Thursday-and feed lunch before they arrive. We will have a snack provied mid way thru. Friday plan to send sleeping bags-PJs-and the following FUN PARTY ITEMS: ur favorite movie-(well watch as many as we can-lol)your favorite nail polish-(well attempt to have a polish party)and your favorite suffed animal.(just because some girls r going to be staying away from Momma the first time) PS-u r welcome to stay with us if your child needs u to-
PAYMENTS: The school wanted all dues paid up front this year before school even started but I know that is hard for many of us on a budget so I have planned two payments. The minimum inital fee of $200 will be DUE SATURDAY at camp like last year. I will b measuring the girls for uniforms which I will need to order and get delivered in time with props and poms and all the cute accesories Im planning for them. The remaining $200 will be due at th first after school practice.If we need to make any payment arrangements-between me you and the althetic department we can make plans for that if you need to-but we will need the full first payment for your deposit. This year we will be including the whole school year, so after the fball season ends and school starts back in the new year GGs will be in full swing like normal
(-most spirit groups end after fball season)
SAVE THE DATE: For our 2nd Annual Mother/GMother Tea at Moms house(503 Forest Ave Shreveprt71104) We get all dressed in hats and prissy and pull out the china tea cups and silver so well have a date to remember. It will be great for the girls Saturday August 11th right before school starts for them to get to have some friends to have in common and for all us Moms to meet eachother. You will recieve a formal invitation to the TeaParty at camp. 
SCHOOL STARTS: and our first afterschool practice will be Monday Aug.20 2:45-5. What happens on Mondays-will be you send ur childs practice uniforms with them. I will pick them up afterschool in the front foyer by the couches- I will take them to the bathroom and change and walk them over to the gym. This year we will give the girls a snack and then practice til 5pm where you will pick up in the gym. Practices will be every Monday after school from the 20th on.

That should sum up the announcements for now-
I know this e-mail was long-but I felt like it needed to be told to the new families joing our team. We are looking forward to all the plans for this season and all the memories we will be making-and a hope or two we might end the fball season with a trip to the Superdome! It'll be lots of fun and we are looking forward to meeting you and your girls.... Looing forward to joining you to our family this week!
Megan Heiserman McIntyre
