So who would you guess would go into a public bathroom and use the restroom right next to a complete male stranger while he stood using a urinal?
Oh that's right- I DID!!
Here's the story...
Yesterday- at preschool, Justin and I were picking up our kid and I excuse myself to walk down to the bathroom. Not having gone there before- I ask for directions- and halfway listen to them as I figured that I would find it on my own knowing where the general area was.
Well- I walk down this long hall and walk into the bathroom- where the door was proped open, and there was a cleaning cart and I said "hello???" loudly to make sure there wasn't a janitor in there- and so with no answer I walk into the bathroom. I see urinals on one side and stalls on another- I think to myself- "oh that must be because it's a prschool and the teachers have to help take all the little boys so it's a unisex bathroom"
I go onto the first stall and sit down to do my business and I hear someone walk in. Thinking it must be the janitor, I say "hello" from behind the bathroom stall- and I hear a man's voice. Who replys "hello?" and I heard him pee... Then I realize that a man has walked into the bathroom at the same time as me and is using the urinal right beside me while I am using the stall. I said "Oh my god- did I come into the right bathroom?" and I stayed in my stall, He laughs and said "this is the mens bathroom" "I wondered what kinda man would be sitting on the toilet with pink shoes on" and I laugh-still in my stall. I go ahead and finish and said out loud "I'll just wait in here till you say you're done" and then I just started laughing. He said " let's just keep this between us" The toilets both flush and I asked "was he decent" because at this point I am done, with my pants pulled up and my purse on my arm-just standing there ready to bolt down the hall and tell Justin what I have just done. He said yes-and I opened the stall door as I walk into the common area of the bathroom apologizing and asked "who said men and women can't use the bathroom together?-we just made it unisex". He was probably in his later 30's and I have never seen this man before in my life-he evidentally was a dad in the preschool which goes up to 5yr olds so it could have been anyone. When I walk out I look at the door which remember was propped open and look at it this time-I realize that sure enough it reads "men". Then onward I walk back down the long hall from which I came. I look right and left and finally come to the door that reads"women" that I so blindly walked past just minutes before. So when I returned to the crowd huddled by Justin who was helping repair a coat rack- I said "you will NEVER believe what I just did!" and I tell this halarious story. My wonderful Justin replys "yes-I believe it- that would be something you would do".
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